This is a photo of the first week of the residency.
I always have to get acquianted with the studio, the noises, the light.
And also clear my mind, get new impressions and connect with the place and location
I will be working in.
I always have to get acquianted with the studio, the noises, the light.
And also clear my mind, get new impressions and connect with the place and location
I will be working in.
The city of Berlin I have already known a long time (about 20 years I have been coming and going),
but then espcially the neighbourhood of Kreuzberg, around Gorli.
With this residency it was relatively easy, because I have worked here before when Livingstone Projects Berlin invited me for the first time in 2018.
I started with writing down thoughts, walking around the neighbourhood,
making plans, settling in the studio and investigating through internet.
I started with writing down thoughts, walking around the neighbourhood,
making plans, settling in the studio and investigating through internet.
During this residency I will paint a new collection for the solo exhibition at Livingstone Gallery, The Hague, that will open in November.
During a residency it is so good to fully concentrate and emerge myself fully into my work
and research.
And there is room for experiment as well.
Besides painting my all sizes canvasses with oil (beccause I then didn't know what I wanted to paint/tell yet, so I brought all sizes), I aim to experiment with textile
make a small lithography at the Druckwerkstatt in Bethanien
(I have been working with the great masterprinter there since 2010).
And I have bought my two room mates for the coming three months in a great plant store close by,
that have great knowledge, are super friendly, and.. have parrots.
I am glad to be back in Berlin.